““Margaret is one of the truly unique clergy-people who are able to create an authentic conversation - in real time - between the texts of tradition and the matters of the moment. This remarkable skill set brings fruit in so many facets of her ministry, which she shares generously at every opportunity.
In my experiences leading worship with her, she delivers messages that are inspiring, thought-provoking, and grounded, and always leaves her constituents with a sense of purpose, of hope, and of meaning.
As a colleague in interfaith dialogue, Margaret is unparalleled in her commitment to having serious conversations about differences across faiths, and always with an eye toward how we might come together in prayer, in service, and in action. She is a beacon for those around her, enlightening the path for so many in her time here in Providence. I’ve been blessed to have her as a colleague and friend, and I look forward to many more years of fruitful collaboration, no matter where her ministry takes her.”
~Rabbi Elan Babchuck, Director of Innovation, Clal (The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership)”
“Margaret has an infectious, welcoming smile that assures you on Sundays that the cares you have are held in her heart.
She exudes a personal style that is healthy in all aspects of body and spirit. I was impressed by her willingness to risk and try different things. Margaret jumped into the ministry of the congregation and helped the committees to work more effectively.
Margaret shows strong organizational understanding, and a marvelous supportive presence. We benefitted immensely from her ministry here.
~Rev. Mark W. Harris, Retired, Internship Supervisor and Parish Minister, First Parish of Watertown, MA”
“If you seek a minister who will challenge your congregation to be a place of hope, healing, and transformation, choose Margaret.
If you seek a minister who will let every member, friend, and visitor at your congregation know that they are a valuable part of your community, choose Margaret.
If you want a minister who will sit with a dying congregant, or comfort a family in grief, choose Margaret. (And don’t let that list make you think she can’t do all the other tasks of ministry, too: she can.)
There may be better ministers (whatever “better” means), but there are none more authentic, more passionate, or more dedicated to her calling.
~Rev. Christian Schmidt, Minister, Mount Vernon Unitarian Church, Alexandria, Virginia”